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The Bread-Making workshop is an exercise that encourages collaboration between individuals to work together to make a loaf of bread. For the workshop to move forward, it relies on information from each to be shared in order to progress through the stage.

Each participant is assigned a character profile booklet which contains instructions split into Knowledge, Equipment, Ingredients and Commands, and divided into 13 stages of the workshop.



The workshop is designed to force collaboration and show individuals how inclusion is key to creating successful outcomes agreed by all. By removing the ‘bread’ from the workshop, the created framework can be applied to any problem-solving task that requires individuals to make collective decisions and outcomes. The workshop provides a platform for opportunity and innovation to be suggested & shared and then implemented through discussion over the course of the workshop.



For example, Person 1 may have the ingredients of the flour but not know how much flour they need. Person 6 has the salt but does not know how much salt they need. Person 2 will have the knowledge that 200 grams of flour is needed & Person 6 will have the knowledge that 3 grams of salt is needed. Person 5 then has the knowledge that the X amount of flour & the X amount of salt must be mixed together and have a command to tell someone to do this action; through conversing with one another all 6 individuals can come together with their shared information to work out each step.



If every member can have an understanding of what happens at each step of the process, it allows more inclusive innovation and ensures that everyone will have a deeper understanding of where the flaws lie within the existing system. Through discovery, they can see where to intervene and suggest new methods of working. No stage of the workshop can be progressed with a specific journey, and all users create and agree on a way of progression.

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